Monday, January 12, 2015

Lectures - Recycled Words [Emo/Pop Punk]

But I caved again...
The North Carolinian group Lectures are that right kind of sad and campy lot of music that are fun to listen to when you're feeling a little bit down. Recycled Words is the group's debut EP about heartbreak and becoming a better person. While I won't claim that they're anything extraordinary they are a group that are worth a few spins at least. They're easily a band that shows potential, and their later releases have shown that potential that can be tapped in. Check it out!

You can stream, download, or buy Recycled Words here. If you liked the album, consider supporting Lectures by throwing a few coins their way to help support any and all future projects. You could even share them with your friends! Who knows, maybe they're into feel good pop punk music. Just remember, a little support and a little word of mouth goes a long way! <3

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